Pre - Professional Division
2024/25 Season Information
The Pre-Professional division is a program for dedicated dancers to receive top-notch ballet training while cultivating artistry in contemporary dance. The dancers selected for the division will receive additional performance opportunities to showcase their growth in both ballet and contemporary technique.
An exciting feature of the program is its partnership with professional dance companies, conventions, competitions, guest artists, and adjudicated performances.
The Pre-Professional Division is an elite program for dedicated dancers. Please note that spaces are limited, and the dancers selected to participate in this program will be held to a high standard in regards to dress code, conduct, technique, and attendance.
Saturday, August 3rd, 2024 (Virtual Auditions also accepted)
Check-in: 10:15 - 10:30 AM (dancers age 7 - 11)
Audition: 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Check-in: 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM (dancers age 12+)
Audition: 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
*Dancers arriving after the audition has begun will not be able to audition.
Druid Hills Dance Center
3334 N Druid Hills Rd NE
Decatur, GA 30033
Audition Requirements
Pre-registration is required, and due Friday, August 2nd, 2024 at 5:00 PM.
Please come dressed in appropriate ballet attire (black leotard, pink tights, classical bun). Gentlemen may come wearing appropriate classical attire.
There will be two portions of the audition: ballet barre, and a contemporary combination.
Advanced pointe dancers are encouraged to wear pointe shoes for the ballet portion of the audition, but not required.
*Attending the audition is strongly recommend, as spots are limited. Dancers unable to attend the audition may submit a video audition to be considered. Please emails us for more information.
Program Requirements
For dancers ages 11 - 18.
Classes and rehearsals will take place Fridays, 5:00PM--8:00PM.
The season will follow the DHDC school calendar for holidays and breaks.
Dancers must take at least 2 hours of additional ballet per week AND 1 hour of any additional alternative technique (modern, contemporary, jazz, etc.) per week. If the dancer is not a regular student enrolled at DHDC, they must provide proof of enrollment at whatever studio they attend.
Absence Policy
Dancers are allowed 3 Friday absences per semester. We recommend that you use these absences wisely, and only if absolutely necessary. Excusable reasons for absence include family emergencies, contagious illness, mandatory school functions, etc. If a dancer acquires any more than 3 absences in a single semester, they will be removed from any upcoming performance or event. This does not serve as punishment, rather, this policy ensures a pleasant and professional experience for everyone involved in the rehearsal process. After 3 absences, dancers are still expected to attend all remaining technique classes and rehearsals, as they will be recast as an understudy.
Performance Opportunities
Classical Ballet Soiree: November 2024
KSU Festival (optional, high school only): February 2025
NYC Trip for classes and performances: April 2025, details TBA
DHDC Recital: May 2025
Dress Code
Any black leotard, seamed tights, and split-sole canvas or leather ballet flats. Tights/shoes may either be pink or skin-toned (matching). Dancers should bring pointe shoes if they have received them. Neat classical ballet bun with no flyaways. Dancers will have official leotards and warm ups for performances and events.
White cap-sleeve leotard or shirt with black tights and black ballet flats. Hair slicked back neatly.
No lace, patterns, or zippers on leotards.
No runs or holes in tights.
Ballet skirts are permissible in ballet class.
During the winter, students may wear warmups for the first few combinations at barre. All black form-fitting warmups only.
Black spandex shorts are allowed during contemporary rehearsals.
Small stud or dangle earrings are permissible. Please no other jewelry.
Tuition and Fees
$1,200 class tuition/semester. This may be paid in even monthly installments or in full.
Event and costumes fees TBA.
Meet Our 2023 - 2024 Pre-Professional Dancers!
Miraya Bharucha, Caroline Cooper, Garet Mackey, Hannah Strohl, Kara Crider, Sophia Fisher, not pictured: Chelsea Mills and Cameron Visel